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Design System Research

The Challenge

The Cisco corporate website is contributed to by many internal teams and contains hundreds of pages. Aside from the core, high-profile pages, many portions of lack general consistency.


The current design system isn't providing the best user experience, leading to projects taking longer to complete with excessive back-and-forth or teams branching from the design system entirely. 

User Interviews

User Interviews

Research goal: Discover ways to improve the design system so people save time and produce better work. 


A colleague and I recruited and interviewed 17 Cisco internal employees across several teams in different roles.

Job Roles of participants

  • Digital Strategists: 4

  • Marketing Managers: 4

  • Designers: 3

  • Information Architects: 2

  • Publishers: 2

  • Content Strategists: 2

Cisco Longevity of participants

  • 0-2 years : 4

  • 3-6 years: 4

  • 7-10 years: 5

  • 10+ years: 5


High-level questions

  • Who are the primary users using the design system and what are their top tasks? 

  • Why are some users following the current design system and some not? 

  • What are the frustrations with the design system when put into practice? 

Key Findings

We found many themes and common pain points rising up from the interviews. 


Information isn't shared - Many people didn't even know where to find design documentation. 


No one source of truth - Various documentation floating around made by different teams, and none of the documentation is fully comprehensive.


Difficult to read and navigate - The official documentation is hosted on Wiki, which everybody agrees is an eye sore. 


No upkeep - Gaps and legacy components in the documentation because it's nobody's full-time job to update it.  


Design restrictions - The components often don't meet specific needs. 


UX becomes a bottle neck - Frustration with roles not being included in discussion early-on, so design just seems to get in the way when teams want to push things out the door. 

Key Findings

User Personas

I consolidated the interview findings into four key personas.

User Personas

Next Steps

The project ended here because I transferred to another team within Cisco, but these would have been the next steps:


- Present my research and personas to get buy-in from higher-ups to secure resources.

- Evaluate the best platform to build a design system.

- Prioritize main features and draw out requirements for a design system MVP.

Next Steps
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