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Let me tell you a little bit about me as a designer and a person. 

Grace the designer

I feel most energized when collaborating with other people solving problems, tossing around ideas, and getting to those high-five moments where there are a ton of boxes and arrows scribbled on the whiteboard so everybody feels so accomplished. 

I think of myself as an investigator. I question things, dig for connections, and try to uncover different perspectives that might lead to a new conclusion. I'm a designer with strong follow-through, and will chase details until I'm satisfied with the completion. 

Side note: I'm very particular about how things are organized. Cluttered Figma files stress me out! 

Grace as a person

I believe in being kind to people even if they're difficult or rude, because everybody is struggling and you have no idea if they're one conversation away from crying. 

I've been told I'm very genuine and authentic, and I try my best to be. I also take a huge interest in other people, because sometimes even the most unassuming, quiet person may have a very rich inner life. 

My hobbies though

💃  I love to dance, and used to be on a hip hop dance team. I danced during a Warriors half time show once! 

🏋️‍♀️  I enjoy working out. I do Orangetheory Fitness, weights, pilates, HIIT, go running, and explore a lot of different studio classes. 

👨‍👩‍👦‍👦  I really enjoy spending time with my kids. Being with them makes my heart full and it's greatest thing to make them belly laugh.

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